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Letter to Editor: “A Voice Crying Out in The Wilderness”

“A Voice Crying Out in The Wilderness”


For sometime, I’ve been feeling a tugging in my heart, in my mind, in voicing out concerns that affect all of us; no matter what our socioeconomic status, religious, or ethnic background; or geographic locations where we preside. This tugging in me stems from situations that exist and has control of our lives in various respects.  Yet, we seem to have “no control” in changing what we know to be wrong and evil.  Crying out desperately in a futile voice falling on deaf ears.  Whose ears?  On public servants in laudatory positions in office.  I can imagine “John the Baptist” feeling exasperated when voicing his message to the people to repent!  If you know the story of “John the Baptist”, you’ll get the “gist” of this message.      I’ll start with the staples we eat daily. Often times, foods we eat in significant quantity.  Several months ago, I went to our local grocery store.  I made a deliberate effort to examine carefully every can (labels) of food and other packaged consumable goods.  To my dismay, I discovered ingredients added to practically ALL the stuff that enters our body by the spoonful. Ingredients like hybrid plants we eat i.e. corn (cornflakes and such) soy beans and soy products etc. randomly modified by radiation or chemically.          Need I explain radiation or chemicals?  Granted, we can postulate the harm both these methods can cause to our bodies by prolonged consumption of modified foods.  Negative effects are also accompanied by obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses like cancer.        The subject on GMO foods is not my only concern.  I can delve in “other” so called rabbit holes that are just as concerning and frightening.  For example, Chemtrails, flouride in drinking water, culling of farm animals by the thousands.  5G frequencies, EMP attacks and or Cyberattacks to our amenities’ infrastructure.  These subjects are not intended for the faint of heart.      Perhaps in the near future I will share an exclusive article on one of the above items.  But for now, I stick with the narrative of food.        Well, here it goes…        Our government has known for many years that the food we eat is not as healthy as it’s made out to be.  Whether it’s farm animals or produce grown in the fields.   Pesticides and herbicides have been used to grow and facilitate the harvesting of whatever is grown for consumption.  The Dept. of Agriculture has been cognizant of bad practices in the growing and processing of all goods for public eating.  I begin with the following article I read that explains the perils of GMO products.

GMO Dangers: Facts You Need to Know

By Jonathan R. Latham, PhD  August 14, 2015

Updated January 7th, 2019

This article by Jonathan R. Latham, PH.D, is by all rights his title and not mine. I proceed in disseminating some of his information with the hope of instilling awareness and awakening our brethren in our families and community.

Labels on canned food and packaged goods all have a very common label indicating the contents of additives such as flavorings and preservatives. When folks arrive at the store, most likely, they know where to pick their favorite product off the shelve. They grab it and toss into the cart. 45 years ago and beyond, very rarely did people preoccupy themselves in reading the labels on canned goods. Absent concern for unhealthy food was mostly due to trust of bonafide wholesome foods, packaged for human consumption. A typical label of today reads: Main food content i. e. corn, peas, carrots etc. followed by a more descriptivelabel: name of contents, which may contain wheat, soy, milk. Contains “Bio-engineered Food Ingredients” from milk, soy and other Genetically Modified Crops…

Well, even today, 2024, in light of “some” public awareness that these modified foods are and will have an adverse effect on the body – regrettably, it will affect the body at some point in the person’s life. Little more on this later. As consumers of food products processed by the food industry in the US today, how concerned should we be in reading the food labels? Will reading the contents on the labels change our minds to opting for healthier alternatives? Maybe.

As we come to terms with the subject of healthy foods versus unhealthy foods, it’s important to understand the terms used in the world of science as it relates to nutrition. The language is more specific and less vernacular than our commonly used idioms during our daily communications.

Let’s begin with “GMO”. What is GMO and when did this term come about? Try 1973, when Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen, both biochemists. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism/s. Both Boyer and Cohen inserted DNA from one bacterium into another. Thus, “genetic engineering” was born. 21 years later, 1994 the first GMO tomato made it’s debut. Not very many folks gave it much thought at the time. All meats, vegetables, and fruits were readily accepted as a safe food for consumption because the federal agency/s proved were safe to eat, according to their evaluations. OK, tomatoes are safe to eat, right?

Let’s explore a little further. What other perils exist in GMO plants and fruits? In doing this study, I prefer calling it “doing my homework”. Calling it research today sounds pretentious. I did my homework, just like someone writing a book report. This study entails seeking information to justify and substantiate the right information on this specific subject on food.

Under the heading of “Dangers of GMO’s”, I read a statement, quote: “Many GMO plants are engineered to contain their own insecticides”. Insecticides? Pardon my ignorance, but, insecticides are what I purchase in powder or liquid form to spray on my plants to rid them of pesky leaf eating bugs! Insecticides in plants? Another quote: “These GMOs, which include maize, cotton and soybeans, are called Bt plants. Bt plants get their name because they incorporate a “transgene” that makes a protein-based toxin (sometimes called the Cry toxin) from the bacterium Bacillus “thuringiensis”. Many Bt crops are “stacked,” meaning they contain a multiplicity of these Cry toxins. Their makers believe each of these Bt toxins is insect-specific and safe”. How safe?

More jargon in the mix? Recall the heading Dangers of GMOs? This fact rattled my attention. Why? Let’s recap a little. Remember the “transgene” that makes a protein toxin called the “Cry Toxin”? Bt plants share a similar structure as that of ricin. Ricin! Where have I heard “Ricin”? Let’s see, in 1978, a Bulgarian defector Georgi Markov was assassinated with a small amount of ricin, a dangerously toxic plant. All it takes is very small amount to terminate a person. For a moment, consider this similar structure of “ricin” in our FOOD? Still hungry? Will this wake you up? Ostensibly, folks will still make purchases of these food stuffs. Whether they’re cognizant of the dangers or not. Our children need to be nourished to function well in school etc. There has to be other avenues or alternatives to wholesome and healthy foods. More on this later.

What other harmful substances are added to the food? Brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propyl paraben, Red Dye No. 3, and titanium dioxide— each has been linked to serious health problems, including higher incidence of cancer, nervous system damage, hyperactivity, and other behavioral problems. To make matters worse, WHO- World Health Organization is in agreement to add MRNA to all foods! Mrna is the concoction found in the covid 19 vaccination. Basically, if you didn’t get vaccinated, don’t worry, the government will vaccinate you by way of your mouth; free of charge! It’s not difficult to fathom their intentions. Might their objective be gradual depopulation of earth? Hmmm…

How involved has our government been in processing our crops and foods for human consumption; ensuring it’s safe nutrition? The FDA, since its inception, has dictated ostensibly on the safety and or detrimental effects to the human body after long term consumption. The following info, I added so the reader can subjectively draw his or her own conclusions.

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (“DSHEA”), is a 1994 statute of United States Federal legislation which defines and regulates dietary supplements.[1] Under the act, supplements are regulated by the FDA for Good Manufacturing Practices under 21 CFR Part 111.[2] The act was intended to exempt the dietary and herbal supplement industry from most FDA drug regulations, allowing them to be sold and marketed without scientific backing for their health and medical claims. There it is, folks, “without scientific backing”! Hmmm…

As it is, we’re already overwhelmed with the unhealthy status of some foods at our disposal. Case in point. I dedicated an hour to shop at my local chain store. I read every label on every can and packaged consumable goods. I was disconcerted on the contents added to the food. Scary, to say the least. I felt hopeless. Well, it’s this reason that prompted me to write this article with two objectives. To awaken people to seek other alternatives from tainted or adulterated foods.

Please don’t despair; there are still healthy foods out there; one has to look for them. Second, for people to be more aware of unhealthy foods in the markets. It is my hope this article will motivate people to be vocal and by word of mouth to exponentially grow the number of folks to bring to light what our own government is deliberately feeding us.

I wonder, is there an agenda designed by our government to ultimately weaken American society through diet? I concur with this latter question. What is their final objective? Certainly makes one wonder.

It’s no surprise as to the high incidence of diabetes and obesity in the County of Hidalgo here in Texas. A contributing factor on a minor scale is the socioeconomic status of the person. For example, the lack of money in purchasing expensive healthy wholesome foods is a real hardship. True, there are more profound factors than just the socioeconomic status of the person. The two major factors that harm the body are the amounts of sugars and carbohydrates in packaged foods in the markets today!

Expensive products such as meats today is for the rich. Today’s beef, poultry, and pigs are raised with questionable vaccines, hormones and other “spiked proteins” that are fed to these animals. We eat these meats and ingest those chemicals and hormones into our bodies. Cattle that are naturally grass fed, pork raised in cleaner environments and without hormones, and free roaming chickens; is ideally the kinds of meats we’d like to put on the table for our families.

Allow me to add more flavor to the narrative. (Bad pun intended). The most popular food drink brands in America today, have been flavor enhanced with kidney cells from human aborted fetuses. These companies sell it back to us for drinking! This process is down right evil! Company brands such as: Pepsi, Kraft, Nestle, and Campbell’s are implicated in this practice. There are other companies not listed. Join me in this study, but, on your own. As a lead, search the word “Senomyx”.

Adding salt to injury, (no pun intended), consider the following title of the article: “Lab-grown meats gets green light on U.S. Supermarkets and restaurants” The website: “ Jan. 20, 2024. I’d like to believe these meats are not on the markets yet?

Will Congress request the contents on the labels be put on? Wouldn’t count on it!

Though, safe foods are still available, it may be limited in stores. Unless, you grow your own in your backyard. This idea of growing your vegetables is an excellent choice. It’s a favorable trend growing with many folks in the U.S. Some towns do provide farmer’s markets on a monthly basis. Farmers offer fruits and vegetables that are grown without pesticides. Here in Donna, we do have a farmer’s market. Local farmers sell their produce fresh from the gardens. Folks need to be proactive in searching alternatives to buying healthy foods to delay illnesses and live a more enjoyable life. I’m in favor of starting a garden. It’ll save me money and reduce doctor visits.

Lastly, and very important, the poisoning of our atmosphere, rivers, oceans, and land is not new. Our government and foreign governments have mutually and clandestinely been orchestrating and designing these evil operations with an objective in mind. To enslave humanity and perpetuate their evil scheme by making people sick. The pharmaceutical industry like (Pfizer) and others, rake billions of our hard earned money by keeping us sick. While we languish and perish, we line up their pockets with lots of money. In the past, I’ve tried in vain in informing folks as to the dangers of chemicals and modified foods that have no place inside our bodies. It’s only fallen on deaf ears; just like contemporaries to “John the Baptist” during his crying in the wilderness.

A quote, usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin, “God helps those that help themselves”. Some wisdom behind this ole’ proverb; still holds true today. Let’s do US a favor by eating healthier, exercising and looking for whatever wholesome foods are available to us. We help ourselves and minimize any harmful illness that may come our way! We owe it to ourselves and loved ones. Hope this article may have been an inspiration to many. Spread the word!

Blessings all, Michael Palafox, Donna resident

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