The Donna News

Donna Community News

By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Donna News

The Donna News caught up with Briana Duran to ask her about the basketball season and her game. Here’s what she had to say in the Meet the Bravettes Q&A:

Q: Tell us when you knew you wanted to be a Bravette basketball player, and why?

A:   Since I started basketball in middle school, know I wanted to finish playing as a Donna High Bravette. 

Q: How excited are you to bring that winning mentality to Bravette Basketball?

A:  I’m excited to see what this season has for us and make good memories during a game. 

Q: What would you say is the most important aspect of your game?

The most important aspect of my game is my ability to work and talk as a team on both offensive and defense.

Q: What did you do this summer to improve your game to get ready for this season?

A:   Some of us girls played ball all summer and some of us had volleyball, but after volleyball we all put the time into making sure we came together to get ready for basketball season. 

Q: What basketball move did you work on to showcase this season?

A:    I have been working on my cut through and drive to the basket to score with a floater shot. 

Q: What are your team goals for this year?

A:    Our team goal is to work and keep communicating on the court.

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Q: What are your individual player goals for this year?

A:    My individual goal is to to make as many assists as I can, and as many shots I can make.

Q: Who ís you favorite professional basketball player? 

A:  Kobe Bryant 

Q: Who ís the greatest basketball player of all time?

A: Kobe Bryant  

Q: What is your favorite basketball movie or video that you have watched?

A:  My favorite movie is “Coach Carter.”

Q: If you could pick any university in the country to play basketball for, which one would you choose and why?

A:  I would like to play for University of San Antonio. 

Q: What is your most embarrassing play or turnover you ever made playing for the Bravettes at any level?

A:     My most embarrassing moment is when I whenever I make a bad pass going up for a layup, or when I get blocked on a shot.

Q: What is your favorite classroom subject? 

A:   Math

Q: What is your favorite game day hype song?

A:   My favorite hype song is Broke Boys by Drake 

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