The Donna News

Donna Community News

By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Donna News

The Donna News caught up with Emily Torres, and here is what she had to say about herself, the volleyball team and her future goals.

Q: Name:

A: Emily Torres

Q: What’s your goal for the team this season?

A: My goal is that the team ends up building team chemistry, and that we make it to the playoffs !!

Q: What did you do in the off-season to prepare for this season?

A: I went to the gym , then started the summer league , went to summer workouts, and went to 2 a days. 

Q:Is there a team you look forward to playing this season, why?

A: I look forward to playing Harlingen South because I know they are in our district and I feel like we can beat them since we beat them once in the summer 

Q: What’s your best memory as a Donna ISD volleyball player?

A: My best memory was when we made it to playoffs 

Q: What are your personal goals for this season?

A: My personal goal is to be a good blocker and to get a lot of blocks when the season starts 

Q: Finish this sentence: Ten years from now I hope to be…

Your answer

A: An orthodontist or in dental school 

Q: Who is the biggest jokester on the team? What makes this person so funny?

A: Amariyah because she cracks good jokes 

Q: What is one thing you love most about Donna?

A: I love the tradition

Q: Describe how you started getting into volleyball?

A: In 7th grade I thought it would be cool to try now it’s my favorite sport ever 

Q: What is your favorite part about being a student-athlete?

A: My favorite part is being able to prove to myself that I’m capable of doing multiple things and coming out successful. 

Q: What is your Favorite school subject 

A: History 

Q: Favorite food

A: Wings 

Q: Dream college

A: UT Austin , UTSA , or Rice University 

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