The Donna News

Donna Community News
Q&A with Erica Garcia, The Donna News Volleyball Player of the Week

By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Donna News

The Donna News caught up with Erica Garcia, and here is what she had to say about herself, the volleyball team and her future goals

Q: Name 

A: Erica Faith Garcia 

Q: Grade

A: 11, Junior

Q: What’s your goal for the team this season?

A: To make it to playoffs 

Q: What did you do in the off-season to prepare for this season?

A: get lots of reps with the ball 

Q: Is there a team you look forward to playing this season, why?

A: Edcouch-Elsa 

Q: What’s your best memory as a Donna ISD volleyball player?

A: Meeting new people and making new friends 

Q: What are your personal goals for this season?

A: To get 50 kills or more 

Q: Finish this sentence: Ten years from now I hope to be…

A: To have a house and have a stable job 

Q: Who is the biggest jokester on the team? What makes this person so funny?

A: Amariyah, her jokes 

Q: What is one thing you love most about Donna?

A: The support they have 

Q: Describe how you started getting into volleyball?

A: I wanted to play the sport my older sister played 

Q: What is your favorite part about being a student-athlete?

A: Getting to know more people 

Q: What is your Favorite school subject 

A: Math 

Q: Favorite food

A: Pizza 

Q: Dream college

A: Texas Tech 

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