The Donna News

Donna Community News
Donna leaders to vote on creating a chamber of commerce

On Friday City Commissioners will discuss and vote on wheather or not to initiate a Donna Chamber of Commerce.

The City meeting will be live at 5:20 p.m. on their designated social media channel.

To listen to the meeting live click here.

According to the city agenda, if approved the City will authorize staff to initiate the creation of the Chamber of Commerce.

Chambers of Commerce take on the tough issues and may oppose new regulations, taxes, assessments and costs that will negatively impact small businesses. While you may not personally have the time to get involved, the Chamber will use its resources for the betterment of small business owners.

The earliest chamber of commerce in the United States came about on April 22, 1912. They named it the US Chamber of Commerce, and it still exists today.

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