The Donna News

Donna Community News

Donna North’s FFA Club was established in 2016. Nine students participated at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show exhibiting rabbits, cows, pigs in the breeding and market shows. Here are some profiles of some of the students who participated before the event was closed early because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Samantha De La Cruz headed to the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show to show a steer, two York pigs and four rabbits.  She is a sophomore at Donna North.  “I’m very excited about showing all my animals especially the cow because it was a lot of hard work,” she said. “I go very early in the morning to feed him, shower him and walk him everyday.”  She has recently won two show blankets, a buckle and three ribbons showing her steer after wining first and second at two shows. She began her experience in FFA showing a pig. And she is currently president of the Donna North FFA club.  “It’s a lot of hard work, its exciting and I’m glad to be a part of it,” she said

Myriam Juarez is a junior at Donna North showed a lamb at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show.  “A good tip is to work hard with them everyday so they can get used to you,” Juarez said. “You have to walk them a lot. The less you walk them the more they are going to buck you, shove you aside and not listen to you. They are going to do what ever they want.” It is  her first year competing at the RGVLS. She recently finished second place  and  fifth place. She is currently a student advisor for the Donna North FFA.

Leos is a sophomore at Donna North showed a duroc show pig at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show. Leos exhibited for the first time this year at RGVLS. “I’ve worked hard and hopefully we do good in our performance,” Leos said. “I’m going to be really sad to let him go at the end but it was a good experience.” Her show pig will be going to market at the RGVLS. 

Serna is a sophomore at Donna North exhibited his pig named Petuna.  Serna presented for the first time at RGVLS. It is his first year in FFA. He recently placed at the STAR Show.  

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