The Donna News

Donna Community News

By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Donna News

The Donna News caught up with Junior Power Forward Amariyah Matthews to ask her about the basketball season and her game. Here’s what she had to say in the Meet the Bravettes Q&A:

Q: Who’s your favorite professional basketball player?

A: LeBron James

Q: Who’s the greatest basketball player of all time?

A: Kobe Brayant

Q: When did you first know you loved to play basketball?

A: 6 grade 

Q: Who do you model your basketball game from?

A: Breana Stewart 

Q: What is your signature basketball move?

A: Spin move 

Q: What do you do to get ready for game time?

A: I just shoot around and get ready 

Q: Who has helped you get to the level you are at in basketball?

A: My mom and my trainers 

Q: What does it mean to you to be on the varsity team?

A: It means to try my best and work hard to win as a team 

Q: What is your main goal for the basketball season?

A: My main goal for this season is to win district

Q: What is your favorite memory as a basketball player on the varsity?

A: Is when I block my opponent’s shots

Q: What is one of your goals for after high school?

A: To go to college 

Q: What is your dream school/university?

A: Texas A&M

Q: What is your favorite classroom subject?

A: Math 

Q: What is your favorite song/music artist?

A: No Mentions / YoungBoy NBA 

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