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Donna Community News
The Softball Bond: Perez sisters finish their time as Bravettes  together

By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Donna News

DONNA —  As far back as Alexandra and Yzella Perez can remember their goal was to become Bravette softball players.

They grew up attending games to cheer for their sister as they watched from the stands. It was their they both dreamed of one day becoming one of the girls dominating their way to victory on the Bravette Sandlot representing Donna High. 

Alexandra Perez is seen  pitching the softball to  her sister Yzella Perez the catcher during  the start of their last game together as teammates for the Donna High Bravette Softball  team.  Photo by Raul Garcia Jr. / The Donna News

And after years of hard work, their dream came true as they finally teamed up  when Yzella joined the team as a Freshman during  Alexandra Sophomore season. Together with the team they helped the Bravettes reach the playoffs in 2019. 

Recently, they shared the field  for the last time as Bravettes during a home game against Mercedes  High that ended in a 13-3 loss at home.

“Playing with my sister has been very memorable,” Alexandra Perez said. “We have made so many memories and making it to playoffs as my catcher has been great.”

For three seasons they led the attack on the diamond, Alexandra stood on the top of the mound as pitcher and Yzella sending the signals from behind home plate as catcher.

They each said it has been a great experience playing with each other and with their teammates. They both agreed it was nice to see the young children in the stands rooting for the team with excitement like they did when they were fans.

“I just feel like we made so much of a connection between each other on and off the field and even at home,” Yzella said. “We worked really good together. I feel we push each other when we are on the field and when she’s not doing good I push her and when I wasn’t doing good she was pushing me and we just always communicated well when we were on the field.”

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