The Donna News

Donna Community News
“Walk a Mile”

“Proteggici dal Male”

“Protect us from evil”

       How do you feel about “cops”?  What are your sentiments when confronted
by an officer of the law for a minor violation or otherwise?  What’s the public’s overview on police officers in general?  Overviews and opinions will vary, obviously.

       In my opinion, there seems to exist a continuum of public sentiment as it relates to officers of the law.  While some feelings may be very unfavorable, other feelings may be accepting and with gratitude.  Some folks have a distrust for officers who may have had the upper hand over the person’s liberty while trying to justify the circumstance/s.  Other folks just down right hate and despise an officer or officers wearing a badge and sidearm.

       In some states, like Oregon, Minnesota, and few other states express vehement disgust towards police officers in general.  Of course, it’s local (state)government leaders who have fomented these sentiments against the police.  We saw this hatred towards police officers on our TV screens in our not too distant past!? Remember “Defund the Police”?  Folks burned down police stations and lawlessly looted stores and caused mayhem in big cities.  They rampantly reacted unopposed and without legal consequences for their atrocities.  

       Let’s get back to our backyard.

       Who are the officers that “Serve and Protect” our local communities and neighborhoods?  Do you know a policeman or policewoman personally?  Some of these folks are people, yes, people whom we know.  They are family members, ie parents, uncles, brothers, sisters, husbands/wives; or a close family friend.  Their personality traits are not foreign to us because they too express their sentiments to loved ones.  Basically, they share the very same human emotions as us. They too pay rent, buy their groceries where we buy them.  They share in family dynamics, be it fixing the roof or finding solutions to home matters, taking their children to the doctor etc.  

       One particular activity we don’t get to see often is the officer tending to a domestic dispute, a store robbery, a shooting in the neighborhood or other high stress situations where they may ponder what the outcomes will be once they reach the scene of disturbance.  It’s been known that regrettably, many officers have lost their lives, leaving behind a wife/husband with children. These circumstances are very unfortunate and very hurtful to the community, especially for the families left behind.

       These officers are a special breed, willing to go out in the field, knowing the risks and yet, fulfilling their mission, thus, maintaining security and safety of all parties involved.  At moments like these, what’s running through their mind? What’s their logic in maintaining “stability or equilibrium” in not allowing a situation from evolving into a tragic one?  Remember, they too are humans like we are.  I personally don’t envy some aspects of their duties.

       At times, an officer will display a just solution to maintain two parties satisfied in a domestic dispute with the neighbor without showing partiality.  Talk about Solomon’s wisdom, yes, my hat’s off to them.  

       For example, when a family member dies in an accident or found dead some place, the officer is obligated to notify the next of kin that their child is dead. No way do I want to be part of that scenario/s.  I know because I already experienced such a moment.  One fateful morning, many years ago, two officers knocked on my door very early morning.  I opened the door and one officer requested if they could come in?  The two officers kept looking at each other as if to say- “you tell them, no, you tell them”!  I finally asked them, “What’s going on”?  Only then did one officer convey to me that our child was found dead. He found it very difficult in telling me what had happened.  The officer was very sympathetic.  Even as I write these short passage, I’m saddened by our loss of a beautiful son.  Hopefully some readers will catch my drift as to where I’m going with this article.

       So, what are your sentiments, attitudes towards police officers?  When was the last time did a citizen of Donna come around and express appreciations of gratitude?  As I have mentioned earlier in this article, what are people views on police officers?  Have they called the Donna P.D. and said, “Thank you for your help”?

       Or, for example, during large social gatherings where people all walks of life intermingling with others, not knowing if there’s a pick-pocket or fight that might ensue; especially if alcoholic beverages are being served?  Even when an officer or two are in close proximity, in a large social events, instills a sense of security in the person.

       Again, what are your views on cops?  Have you thanked one yet?  My suggestion is this, before being critical/judgmental about our officers, please, please try to “walk a mile in his/her shoes (moccasins),  better yet, “Walk a mile in the “Blue Line”!  Only then will one have a better perspective of an officer’s world “on the beat”.  

       Donna P.D., thank you for serving and protecting our community.  God be with you, protect you, and favor you all in His love and guidance in your services to our community.  John 14:16,17 “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you” Amen.  

Blessings, Mr. M. Palafox
Resident of Donna, Texas

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