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Q&A with Joelynn Soza, Donna North Lady Chiefs Senior Guard

By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Donna News

The Donna News caught up with Joelynn Soza to ask her about the basketball season and her game. Here’s what she had to say in the Meet the Lady Chiefs Q&A:

Q: Tell us when you knew you wanted to be a Lady Chiefs basketball player, and why?

A:   Since I was in middle school I always liked playing, so I joined my freshman year of high school. 

Q: How excited are you to bring that winning mentality to Chiefs Basketball?

A:  I’m excited every game and practice to play with my teammates I just hope one day I can win with the team since it’s my last year. 

Q: What would you say is the most important aspect of your game?

A:   To make sure that I’m having fun playing basketball and playing every game as of it’s my last. 

Q: What did you do this summer to improve your game to get ready for this season?

A:  I joined a summer league with are group of girls and we played girls from are district. 

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Q: What basketball move did you work on to showcase this season?

A:  My cross over 

Q: What are your team goals for this year?

A:  Just to have fun with the teammates I have this year. 

Q: What are your individual player goals for this year?

A:  To be the best player I can be

Q: Who ís you favorite professional basketball player? 

A:  Jordan Poole 

Q: Who ís the greatest basketball player of all time?

A: Kobe Bryant  

Q: What is your favorite basketball movie or video that you have watched?

A:  My favorite movie is “Coach Carter.” 

Q: If you could pick any university in the country to play basketball for, which one would you choose and why?

A:  I would like to play I would play for UTRGV because I wouldn’t want to leave anywhere far. 

Q: What is your most embarrassing play or turnover you ever made playing for the Lady Chief at any level?

A:   My most embarrassing moment is Probably when I pass it to the wrong person 

Q: What is your favorite classroom subject? 

A:   Math 

Q: What is your favorite game day hype song?

A:   My favorite hype song is Any drake song he’s my favorite music artist 

Q: What TV game show or movie series would you like to appear on?

A: Family Feud 

Q: Who would you pick as your all time greatest starting five?

A:   Kobe Bryant, Jordan Poole, Stephen Curry, Giannis Antetokounmpo, and Michael Jordan. 

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